Wash Your Lyrics

Generate hand washing infographics based on anything you want 🎶

Made by William (@fishdarn)

Need help? Email support@washyourlyrics.com.

This website wouldn't be possible without Twinhelix and these organisations.

Not affiliated with the National Health Service (NHS), cleanyourhands® campaign or any government body. Stay safe and wash your hands

© 2024 Wash Your Lyrics


To make the site work for song posters, we share your request with Genius in order to get the song lyrics and metadata. We only share the title and artist, no personal identifying information.

We log information to Google Analytics. By using Wash Your Lyrics you agree to Google Analytics' terms and privacy policy.

We share your generation poster with our public Telegram channel. By using Wash Your Lyrics, you give permission for your poster to be shared anonymously with our Telegram audience. Please note we do not share images from custom poster generations as these may contain private information, although we do log that they occured.

As of 24th August 2020, William Gibson is the data collection officer for Wash Your Lyrics. If you would like your data scrubbed, contact william@tired.io

Made by William (@fishdarn)

Need help? Email support@washyourlyrics.com.

This website wouldn't be possible without Twinhelix and these organisations.

Not affiliated with the National Health Service (NHS), cleanyourhands® campaign or any government body. Stay safe and wash your hands